Jérôme Caroli


Name: Jérôme Caroli
Date of birth: 26.11.1995
Place of residence: Verbier / Le Châble
On the bike since: the 2nd year of life

Top 3

Park/Spot: Whistler B.C. , La Poma Barcelona, Queenstown NZ
Events: Swatch Rocket Air, RB Joyride Whistler, Crankworx Innsbruck
Tricks: Flatspin, Decade, Superman Seatgrap
About me: Karaoke Skills, Happy Guy, Fajita Chef
Alternative Hobbies : Snowboard, Skate, Surf

And one word each that comes to mind with the corresponding letter.

E: Extreme L: Lenzspitze
T: Tee Time O: One N: No friend on a pwder day Y: YVR
M: MobbDeep A: April T: Tabletop E: El Tony Mate

Social media