Alessio Tonoli
Name: Alessio Tonoli
Date of birth: 19.11.1999
Place of residence: Winterthur
On the bike since:
Top 3
Park/Spot: NT Dirt, Lenzerheide, Skillspark
Events: Ride Further Tours, Nt Dirt Jams, Trips with homies
Tricks: Moto Whip, Indian Air, Shoebox
Alternative hobbies: SDrift, working on the car, own brand (design, embroidery, print)
And one word each that comes to mind with the corresponding letter.
E: E-Brake L: Loamers
T: Tabletops O: OFWGKTA N: Not being able to handle the Farzeug Y: Yonkers
M: Mate A: It's all in the head T: Turbo E: Escalation